Amateur to Advance
A to A
Are you looking at developing your interest in photography and taking it more seriously.
Would you like to learn and explore what more you can do with your camera?
Or are you a complete beginner and will like to have a complete understanding on the art and science of photography.
Zero to Hero in Photography is for you- the explorer, who would like to take his/her photography skill one step ahead.
This comprehensive workshop aims at not only starting you off with the basics of photography but also takes you in depth into various elements and factors that one has to use and work with as a photographer. Continuous assignments and feedback sessions fused with interactive practice sessions and photo walks on location will ensure a deep and clear understanding of the subject and make you a well rounded photographer.
SESSIONS over 4 weekends. One session of about 2-3 hours each. 3 out of the 10 sessions will be exploring and practice based interactive learning sessions on different locations. At the end of the module an exhibition of the best pictures of the participants will be conducted in the SKP studio.
Take Away
Complete understanding of your camera and the modes
Moving from trial and error to getting exactly what you want from your photography
Using creative and technical skills to make great photographs
An exhibition of selected pictures of the participants will be held at the SKP Studio at the end of the session.
Topics Covered
1. Working & Modes of DSLR Camera
3. Taking care of your camera
4. Different types of lenses
5. Introduction to Focal Length
6. Understanding Exposure
7. Understanding Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO Setting
8. Exposure Triangle
9. Metering, Bracketing, Focusing
10. Depth of field
11. White Balance
12. Types of File formats
13. Composing a good frame
14. Elements of creativity
15. Quality and direction of light
16. Color
17. Macro Photography
18. Basic Intro to Photoshop
19. Photoshop workflow for photography editing
20. Photography for social media
195, Kilpauk Garden Road, Kilpauk, Chennai - 10